Tag Archives: animals

A Film Every Human Should Watch

This is a different sort of post folks. I found a film that has disrupted my entire day- and hopefully my entire life and existence. Watching the trailer for the film disturbed me deeply and my reactions have been varied. I don’t know what to do exactly other than share with everyone I can.

The film I found is called Earthlings (2005). Apparently it is film 1 of a trilogy and the second film is due out in 2011. What drew me initially to Earthlings was a simple description on the Ecorazzi website that read: “Often referred to as the ‘vegan-maker,’ Earthlings is an award-winning film that details the suffering of animals for food, fashion, pets, entertainment and medical research.” I definitely didn’t expect sunshine and butterflies or sugar-coated good times from this film, but I also did not expect…well, I guess I didn’t expect the truth.

Now, I will admit to you I have only watched part of the trailer and only the first 7 minutes of the film. It’s hard to watch. It’s very very hard to watch. But, I feel it is important to do so and important to ask others to do so as well. It will hurt. It will challenge. I plan on making my way through it as I can a little bit at a time.

My initial thoughts after viewing part of the trailer were that I am disgusted to be a human being. I don’t know what to do with that.

Please watch the film- or they also have an audiobook version. Part of making the world a better place is educating ourselves about the harms we do to it. Realizing we are not the only ones here and that we should not assume we are the ones to control it all how we see fit. I’m not asking for you to become vegan or vegetarian- I am asking for you to look at and question our choices.

The film is Earthlings and you can watch it online for free at www.earthlings.com – You can join the Facebook group or follow the film on Twitter too (@EarthlingsMovie). Please share it with friends and followers and host viewings in your communities. And, always, please come share your thoughts here!